Senior Resource Association’s Emergency Alert Response System offers peace of mind to seniors at risk for health crises and falls, thanks to 24/7 live monitoring. The program provides an in-home lifeline to at-risk older adults in our community who lack the financial means to purchase much-needed emergency alert services.
Senior Resource Association considers the safety and well-being of our senior community members to be our top priority. To best facilitate this, we’ve partnered with ADT Home Security provides an Emergency Alert monitoring system to ensure seniors under our care are kept safe and secure.
The monitoring team at ADT Home Security is trained for senior sensitivity to respond effectively and compassionately to seniors’ needs. ADT uses amplified hearing and voice capabilities, fall detection technology, and even monitor home temperature. Replacement equipment necessary for maintaining the service is provided at no additional cost. We strive to ensure that the technology remains functional and accessible so the seniors under our care can rely upon it whenever needed.
A service like the Emergency Alert Response System is a health and safety “must have” that many seniors cannot afford. SRA case managers qualify and enroll those requesting service using the following criteria established to ensure priority for those whose safety and well-being place them at the highest risk:
- A resident of of Indian River County
- Age 60+ or 18-59/designated disabled
- Income below 250% of federal poverty guidelines
- At risk for falls
- Safety concerns relative to home environment
Emergency Alert Information
To learn more about our emergency alert services or inquire about eligibility, please contact us at 772.569.0760 ext. 109, click here to call or email us at
Office hours: Monday – Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.