Why Support SRA?

Every day, Senior Resource Association helps hundreds of older adults who struggle to manage daily activities often taken for granted. Some can no longer shop for or prepare their own meals. Many are too frail or unsteady to handle simple tasks like laundry. Others can no longer be left home alone, so their loving families need respite care for a brief reprieve. And those unable to protect themselves through sound decisions are at risk of harm and exploitation.

SRA helps all of these aging adults and their loved ones by providing compassionate, professional care and solutions that allow seniors to remain at home as long as safely possible.

Through your generosity, we can continue to provide lifesaving services to seniors in need. We invite you to join us!

Ways to Give

Donating to Senior Resource Association is easy. We welcome your support through various convenient means including checks, credit cards, online gifts, gifts of stock, IRA charitable distributions, wills/bequests, vehicle donation, and more.

Donors may choose to designate gifts to a specific program that is close to their hearts or entrust us to apply the gift where it is needed most.

Explore the many opportunities to help our community’s seniors. If you need more information, please let us know by, contacting Robyn Orzel, Chief Development Officer, at rorzel@sramail.org or 772.469.3144

Annual Support

Annual support is vital to our efforts to care for seniors in need of hot meals, in-home support and daily care and respite options. SRA counts on renewed giving to sustain our lifeline of essential services.

Legacy Giving

There are many planned giving options available to help you fulfill your philanthropic legacy of support for those who count upon Senior Resource Association. We would be honored to help you identify estate, beneficiary and/or tax-advantaged tools to achieve your personal, family, and charitable goals.

Donate Your Vehicle

Fill out the form below, or call 855-500-RIDE (7433) for more information.

Donate Now

Senior Resource Association is generously supported by: